2 0 0 0 :
SW-Serie des Monats in "Schwarzweiss-Magazin", Dezember.
2 0 0 1 :
Teilnahme bei "Medal of Excellence 2001" in New York, USA.
1. Preis im Fotowettbewerb "Waldstiftung PEFI", Januar.
In den "Top 5" im Fotowettbewerb "Waldstiftung PEFI", Februar.
1. Preis im Fotowettbewerb "Paradisu", April.
In den "Top 5" im Fotowettbewerb "Waldstiftung PEFI", April.
Auszeichnung "Photographer of the month", LEICA-Gallery, August.
Finalteilnahme bei "Picture of the month" in AGFAPHOTO, September.
4. Platz mit "Certificate of Excellence" im "International Photo Contest AGFA".
Award "Picture of the week" in "Photo-World", September.
Award "Picture of the week" in "Photo-World", Oktober.
Award "Top 20" (mit 3 Bilder) bei "Photo-World/Photo Contest (High-Tech)".
1. Platz bei "Photo-World/Photo Contest (High Tech)".
In den "Top 5" im Fotowettbewerb "Waldstiftung PEFI", Dezember.
2 0 0 2 :
Award "Top 20" bei "Photo-World/Photo Contest (Perspektive)".
6. Platz im Fotowettbewerb "Paradisu", März.
Endausscheidung im Fotowettbewerb "Nachtschwärmer" in "Schwarzweiss 29", März.
Finalteilnahme bei "Picture of the month" in AGFAPHOTO, Mai.
2. Platz bei "Photo-World/Photo Contest (Faszination Licht)".
Finalteilnahme bei "Picture of the month" in AGFAPHOTO, Juli.
Finalteilnahme bei "Picture of the month" in AGFAPHOTO, August.
Award "Top 20" bei "Photo-World/Photo Contest (Speed)".
"Certificate of Excellence" im "International Photo Contest AGFA".
2 0 0 3 :
2. Platz im NFAC-Photocontest (Gemälde der Natur), Januar.
Award "Top 20" bei "Photo-World/Photo Contest (Symmetrie)".
SW-Serie des Monats in "Schwarzweiss-Magazin", Mai.
3. Platz im NFAC-Photocontest (Zahn der Zeit), Juli.
2 0 0 4 :
Award "Top 20" bei "Photo-World/Photo Contest (Stones)".
1. Platz im NFAC-Photocontest (Wolken), April.
Finalteilnahme bei "Picture of the month" in AGFAPHOTO, Mai.
2 0 0 5 :
1. Platz im Photocontest "Pontos de Vista"/Portugal (Macros), Januar.
2. Platz im Fotowettbewerb "Waldstiftung PEFI", Januar.
5. Platz im Contest "PhoTournament" (Psychedelic), März.
Finalteilnahme bei "Picture of the month" in AGFAPHOTO, April.
Sonderpreis von LEICA und BIRDNET im Fotowettbewerb "Vogelflug - Vogelzug", September.
2 0 0 6 :
"Honorable Mention" in "Apogee-Photography-Magazine"/USA, Januar.
"Picture of the month" in "Aternum Fotoamatori Abruzzesi BFI SMF Pescara", März.
Winter Award in "Circolo Fotografico Controluce", März.
Finalteilnahme im Photowettbewerb "Wasser" von GEO, April.
Annahme Bild für "Festimage" in Chaves/Portugal, April.
Certificate of Nomination in "International Color Awards", Categorie "Abstract/Professional", Mai.
1st Annual - Photography Masters Cup™ | Hall of Fame, Mai.
6. Platz im Contest "PhoTournament" (Toughts), Juli.
Summer Award in "Circolo Fotografico Controluce", September.
1. Platz im NFAC-Photocontest (Unterwegs), Dezember.
2 0 0 7 :
Autumn Award in "Circolo Fotografico Controluce", Januar.
Winter Award in "Circolo Fotografico Controluce", März.
"Grand Prix GP4" in CFC, März
Annahme Bild für "Festimage" in Chaves/Portugal, April.
Spring Award in "Circolo Fotografico Controluce", Juni.
2 0 0 8 :
Winter Award in "Circolo Fotografico Controluce", April.
Annahme Bild für "Festimage" in Chaves/Portugal, Mai.
2 0 0 9 :
Autumn Award in "Circolo Fotografico Controluce", Januar.
Annahme Bild für "Festimage" in Chaves/Portugal, April.
Spring Award in "Circolo Fotografico Controluce", Juli.
"Grand Prix GP8" in CFC, Juli.
Permanent Jury Member in CFC, Juli.
Ginkgo Award im Internationalen Foto- und Kurzfilm-Wettbewerb von G.F.e.V. München, Oktober.
2 0 1 0 :
Teilnahme beim "LEICA Oskar Barnack Preis 2010", Januar.
Annahme Bild für "Festimage" in Chaves/Portugal, April.
Jury Member in "The Everyman Photo Contest", Mai.
2 0 1 1 :
3. Platz im NFAC-Photocontest (Rad), April.
Jury Member in "The Everyman Photo Contest", Mai.
3. Platz im NFAC-Photocontest (In Bewegung), August.
Certificate of Nomination in "Photography Masters Cup™", Categorie "Abstract/Professional", Oktober.
5th Annual - Photography Masters Cup™ | Hall of Fame, Oktober.
1. Platz im NFAC-Photocontest (Im Detail), November.
2 0 1 2 :
2. Platz im NFAC-Photocontest (Mensch und Arbeit), Februar.
3. Platz im NFAC-Photocontest (Mitzieher), Mai.
1. Platz im NFAC-Photocontest (Einsamkeit), Dezember.
2 0 1 3 :
Certificate of Nomination in "Photography Masters Cup™", Categorie "Fine Art/Professional", Februar.
Certificate of Nomination in "Photography Masters Cup™", Categorie "Sport/Professional", Februar.
Honorable Mention in "Photography Masters Cup™", Categorie "Sport/Professional", Februar.
6th Annual - Photography Masters Cup™ | Hall of Fame, Februar.
3. Platz im NFAC-Photocontest (Nostalgisches), März.
Winner in "The Other Hundred" Hong Kong, Mai.
Finalteilnahme im "International Nikon Photo Contest", Juni.
2. Platz im NFAC-Photocontest (Schwarz-Weiss), Juli.
1. Platz im NFAC-Photocontest (Kühles Nass), August.
2 0 1 4 :
2. Platz im NFAC-Photocontest (Zwei Welten), Februar.
3 Nominations in "International Color Awards", Categorie "Sport/Professional", Mai.
Certificate of Nomination in "International Color Awards", Categorie "Abstract/Professional", Mai.
Honor of Distinction in "International Color Awards", Categorie "Abstract/Professional", Mai.
7th Annual - Photography Masters Cup™ | Hall of Fame, Mai.
2 Nominations in "Black & White Spider Awards", Categorie "Fine Art/Professional", Oktober.
Certificate of Nomination in "Black & White Spider Awards", Categorie "Sport/Professional", Oktober.
Honorable Mention in "Black & White Spider Awards", Categorie "Sport/Professional", Oktober.
2 0 1 5 :
Honorable Mention in "Monochrome Awards", Categorie "Fine Art/Professional", Februar.
2 Nominations in "International Color Awards", Categorie "Sport/Professional", April.
Certificate of Nomination in "International Color Awards", Categorie "Abstract/Professional", April.
Certificate of Nomination in "International Color Awards", Categorie "Fine Art/Professional", April.
8th Annual - Photography Masters Cup™ | Hall of Fame, April.
Certificate of Nomination in "Black & White Spider Awards", Categorie "Abstract/Professional", November.
Certificate of Nomination in "Black & White Spider Awards", Categorie "Sport/Professional", November.
2 0 1 6 :
Certificate of Nomination in "International Color Awards", Categorie "Sport/Professional", März.
Honorable Mention in "International Color Awards", Categorie "Still Life/Professional", März.
Honorable Mention in "Black & White Spider Awards", Categorie "Sport/Professional", November.
2 0 1 7 :
3 Nominations in "International Color Awards", Categorie "Sport/Professional", März.
First Place in "La Grande Photo Awards 2016 - New York/Paris", Categorie "Street", Mai.
Second Place in "La Grande Photo Awards 2016 - New York/Paris", Categorie "Still Life", Mai.
Highly Commended in "La Grande Photo Awards 2016 - New York/Paris", Categorie "Abstract", Mai.
Nominee in "La Grande Photo Awards 2016 - New York/Paris", Category "Silhouette", Mai.
2 Certificates of Nomination in "Black & White Spider Awards", Categorie "Sport/Professional", Oktober.
2 Honorable Mentions in "Chromatic Photography Awards", Categorie "Sport/Professional", Dezember.
Honorable Mention in "Chromatic Photography Awards", Categorie "Street/Professional", Dezember.
2 0 1 8 :
Certificate of Nomination in "International Color Awards", Categorie "Fine Art/Professional", März.
3. Place in "Chromatic Photography Awards", Categorie "Abstract/Professional" (Sports hall), Dezember.
Honorable Mention in "Chromatic Photography Awards", Categorie "Abstract/Professional" (4 for 4), Dezember.
2 0 1 9 :
Honorable Mention in "International Color Awards", Categorie "Still Life/Professional", März.
Honorable Mention in "International Color Awards", Categorie "Sport/Professional", März.
Certificate of Nomination in "International Color Awards", Categorie "Sport/Professional", März.
Honorable Mention in "Chromatic Photography Awards", Categorie "Fine Art/Professional", Dezember.
Honorable Mention in "Chromatic Photography Awards", Categorie "Sports/Professional", Dezember.
Honorable Mention in "Chromatic Photography Awards", Categorie "Still Life/Professional", Dezember.
2 0 2 0 :
2 Certificates of Nomination in "International Color Awards", Categorie "Sport/Professional", März.
Certificate of Nomination in "International Color Awards", Categorie "Fine Art/Professional", März.
2 0 2 1 :
Certificate of Nomination in "International Color Awards", Categorie "Nature/Professional", März.
2 0 2 2 :
Certificate of Nomination in "International Color Awards", Categorie "Sport/Professional", März.
2 0 2 3 :
3 Certificates of Nomination in "International Color Awards", Categorie "Sport/Professional", April.
Honorable Mention in "International Color Awards", Categorie "Silhouette/Professional", April.
2 0 2 4 :
2 Certificates of Nomination in "International Color Awards", Categorie "Sport/Professional", April.
Honorable Mention in "International Color Awards", Categorie "Sport/Professional", April.
2 Honorable Mentions in "International Color Awards", Categorie "Silhouette/Professional", April.
Honorable Mention in "Chromatic Photography Awards", Categorie "Sports/Professional", Dezember.
SW-Serie des Monats in "Schwarzweiss-Magazin", Dezember.
2 0 0 1 :
Teilnahme bei "Medal of Excellence 2001" in New York, USA.
1. Preis im Fotowettbewerb "Waldstiftung PEFI", Januar.
In den "Top 5" im Fotowettbewerb "Waldstiftung PEFI", Februar.
1. Preis im Fotowettbewerb "Paradisu", April.
In den "Top 5" im Fotowettbewerb "Waldstiftung PEFI", April.
Auszeichnung "Photographer of the month", LEICA-Gallery, August.
Finalteilnahme bei "Picture of the month" in AGFAPHOTO, September.
4. Platz mit "Certificate of Excellence" im "International Photo Contest AGFA".
Award "Picture of the week" in "Photo-World", September.
Award "Picture of the week" in "Photo-World", Oktober.
Award "Top 20" (mit 3 Bilder) bei "Photo-World/Photo Contest (High-Tech)".
1. Platz bei "Photo-World/Photo Contest (High Tech)".
In den "Top 5" im Fotowettbewerb "Waldstiftung PEFI", Dezember.
2 0 0 2 :
Award "Top 20" bei "Photo-World/Photo Contest (Perspektive)".
6. Platz im Fotowettbewerb "Paradisu", März.
Endausscheidung im Fotowettbewerb "Nachtschwärmer" in "Schwarzweiss 29", März.
Finalteilnahme bei "Picture of the month" in AGFAPHOTO, Mai.
2. Platz bei "Photo-World/Photo Contest (Faszination Licht)".
Finalteilnahme bei "Picture of the month" in AGFAPHOTO, Juli.
Finalteilnahme bei "Picture of the month" in AGFAPHOTO, August.
Award "Top 20" bei "Photo-World/Photo Contest (Speed)".
"Certificate of Excellence" im "International Photo Contest AGFA".
2 0 0 3 :
2. Platz im NFAC-Photocontest (Gemälde der Natur), Januar.
Award "Top 20" bei "Photo-World/Photo Contest (Symmetrie)".
SW-Serie des Monats in "Schwarzweiss-Magazin", Mai.
3. Platz im NFAC-Photocontest (Zahn der Zeit), Juli.
2 0 0 4 :
Award "Top 20" bei "Photo-World/Photo Contest (Stones)".
1. Platz im NFAC-Photocontest (Wolken), April.
Finalteilnahme bei "Picture of the month" in AGFAPHOTO, Mai.
2 0 0 5 :
1. Platz im Photocontest "Pontos de Vista"/Portugal (Macros), Januar.
2. Platz im Fotowettbewerb "Waldstiftung PEFI", Januar.
5. Platz im Contest "PhoTournament" (Psychedelic), März.
Finalteilnahme bei "Picture of the month" in AGFAPHOTO, April.
Sonderpreis von LEICA und BIRDNET im Fotowettbewerb "Vogelflug - Vogelzug", September.
2 0 0 6 :
"Honorable Mention" in "Apogee-Photography-Magazine"/USA, Januar.
"Picture of the month" in "Aternum Fotoamatori Abruzzesi BFI SMF Pescara", März.
Winter Award in "Circolo Fotografico Controluce", März.
Finalteilnahme im Photowettbewerb "Wasser" von GEO, April.
Annahme Bild für "Festimage" in Chaves/Portugal, April.
Certificate of Nomination in "International Color Awards", Categorie "Abstract/Professional", Mai.
1st Annual - Photography Masters Cup™ | Hall of Fame, Mai.
6. Platz im Contest "PhoTournament" (Toughts), Juli.
Summer Award in "Circolo Fotografico Controluce", September.
1. Platz im NFAC-Photocontest (Unterwegs), Dezember.
2 0 0 7 :
Autumn Award in "Circolo Fotografico Controluce", Januar.
Winter Award in "Circolo Fotografico Controluce", März.
"Grand Prix GP4" in CFC, März
Annahme Bild für "Festimage" in Chaves/Portugal, April.
Spring Award in "Circolo Fotografico Controluce", Juni.
2 0 0 8 :
Winter Award in "Circolo Fotografico Controluce", April.
Annahme Bild für "Festimage" in Chaves/Portugal, Mai.
2 0 0 9 :
Autumn Award in "Circolo Fotografico Controluce", Januar.
Annahme Bild für "Festimage" in Chaves/Portugal, April.
Spring Award in "Circolo Fotografico Controluce", Juli.
"Grand Prix GP8" in CFC, Juli.
Permanent Jury Member in CFC, Juli.
Ginkgo Award im Internationalen Foto- und Kurzfilm-Wettbewerb von G.F.e.V. München, Oktober.
2 0 1 0 :
Teilnahme beim "LEICA Oskar Barnack Preis 2010", Januar.
Annahme Bild für "Festimage" in Chaves/Portugal, April.
Jury Member in "The Everyman Photo Contest", Mai.
2 0 1 1 :
3. Platz im NFAC-Photocontest (Rad), April.
Jury Member in "The Everyman Photo Contest", Mai.
3. Platz im NFAC-Photocontest (In Bewegung), August.
Certificate of Nomination in "Photography Masters Cup™", Categorie "Abstract/Professional", Oktober.
5th Annual - Photography Masters Cup™ | Hall of Fame, Oktober.
1. Platz im NFAC-Photocontest (Im Detail), November.
2 0 1 2 :
2. Platz im NFAC-Photocontest (Mensch und Arbeit), Februar.
3. Platz im NFAC-Photocontest (Mitzieher), Mai.
1. Platz im NFAC-Photocontest (Einsamkeit), Dezember.
2 0 1 3 :
Certificate of Nomination in "Photography Masters Cup™", Categorie "Fine Art/Professional", Februar.
Certificate of Nomination in "Photography Masters Cup™", Categorie "Sport/Professional", Februar.
Honorable Mention in "Photography Masters Cup™", Categorie "Sport/Professional", Februar.
6th Annual - Photography Masters Cup™ | Hall of Fame, Februar.
3. Platz im NFAC-Photocontest (Nostalgisches), März.
Winner in "The Other Hundred" Hong Kong, Mai.
Finalteilnahme im "International Nikon Photo Contest", Juni.
2. Platz im NFAC-Photocontest (Schwarz-Weiss), Juli.
1. Platz im NFAC-Photocontest (Kühles Nass), August.
2 0 1 4 :
2. Platz im NFAC-Photocontest (Zwei Welten), Februar.
3 Nominations in "International Color Awards", Categorie "Sport/Professional", Mai.
Certificate of Nomination in "International Color Awards", Categorie "Abstract/Professional", Mai.
Honor of Distinction in "International Color Awards", Categorie "Abstract/Professional", Mai.
7th Annual - Photography Masters Cup™ | Hall of Fame, Mai.
2 Nominations in "Black & White Spider Awards", Categorie "Fine Art/Professional", Oktober.
Certificate of Nomination in "Black & White Spider Awards", Categorie "Sport/Professional", Oktober.
Honorable Mention in "Black & White Spider Awards", Categorie "Sport/Professional", Oktober.
2 0 1 5 :
Honorable Mention in "Monochrome Awards", Categorie "Fine Art/Professional", Februar.
2 Nominations in "International Color Awards", Categorie "Sport/Professional", April.
Certificate of Nomination in "International Color Awards", Categorie "Abstract/Professional", April.
Certificate of Nomination in "International Color Awards", Categorie "Fine Art/Professional", April.
8th Annual - Photography Masters Cup™ | Hall of Fame, April.
Certificate of Nomination in "Black & White Spider Awards", Categorie "Abstract/Professional", November.
Certificate of Nomination in "Black & White Spider Awards", Categorie "Sport/Professional", November.
2 0 1 6 :
Certificate of Nomination in "International Color Awards", Categorie "Sport/Professional", März.
Honorable Mention in "International Color Awards", Categorie "Still Life/Professional", März.
Honorable Mention in "Black & White Spider Awards", Categorie "Sport/Professional", November.
2 0 1 7 :
3 Nominations in "International Color Awards", Categorie "Sport/Professional", März.
First Place in "La Grande Photo Awards 2016 - New York/Paris", Categorie "Street", Mai.
Second Place in "La Grande Photo Awards 2016 - New York/Paris", Categorie "Still Life", Mai.
Highly Commended in "La Grande Photo Awards 2016 - New York/Paris", Categorie "Abstract", Mai.
Nominee in "La Grande Photo Awards 2016 - New York/Paris", Category "Silhouette", Mai.
2 Certificates of Nomination in "Black & White Spider Awards", Categorie "Sport/Professional", Oktober.
2 Honorable Mentions in "Chromatic Photography Awards", Categorie "Sport/Professional", Dezember.
Honorable Mention in "Chromatic Photography Awards", Categorie "Street/Professional", Dezember.
2 0 1 8 :
Certificate of Nomination in "International Color Awards", Categorie "Fine Art/Professional", März.
3. Place in "Chromatic Photography Awards", Categorie "Abstract/Professional" (Sports hall), Dezember.
Honorable Mention in "Chromatic Photography Awards", Categorie "Abstract/Professional" (4 for 4), Dezember.
2 0 1 9 :
Honorable Mention in "International Color Awards", Categorie "Still Life/Professional", März.
Honorable Mention in "International Color Awards", Categorie "Sport/Professional", März.
Certificate of Nomination in "International Color Awards", Categorie "Sport/Professional", März.
Honorable Mention in "Chromatic Photography Awards", Categorie "Fine Art/Professional", Dezember.
Honorable Mention in "Chromatic Photography Awards", Categorie "Sports/Professional", Dezember.
Honorable Mention in "Chromatic Photography Awards", Categorie "Still Life/Professional", Dezember.
2 0 2 0 :
2 Certificates of Nomination in "International Color Awards", Categorie "Sport/Professional", März.
Certificate of Nomination in "International Color Awards", Categorie "Fine Art/Professional", März.
2 0 2 1 :
Certificate of Nomination in "International Color Awards", Categorie "Nature/Professional", März.
2 0 2 2 :
Certificate of Nomination in "International Color Awards", Categorie "Sport/Professional", März.
2 0 2 3 :
3 Certificates of Nomination in "International Color Awards", Categorie "Sport/Professional", April.
Honorable Mention in "International Color Awards", Categorie "Silhouette/Professional", April.
2 0 2 4 :
2 Certificates of Nomination in "International Color Awards", Categorie "Sport/Professional", April.
Honorable Mention in "International Color Awards", Categorie "Sport/Professional", April.
2 Honorable Mentions in "International Color Awards", Categorie "Silhouette/Professional", April.
Honorable Mention in "Chromatic Photography Awards", Categorie "Sports/Professional", Dezember.